We are so excited that you are joining us! We hope the information below provides you with everything that you need but if not please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected].
Key things to remember are:
- Gates open (Bump in) is anytime on Thursday the 29th of September after 12noon,
- Waiver forms should be printed and completed to save checking in time,
- Everyone (yes everyone) needs to fill in a waiver form, no waiver no entry,
- Please bring a print out of your ticket; no ticket no entry,
- Have fun and when you can be anything, be kind 💛
For a list of the most FAQ please 💛 Click Here.
The event runs from 8am on Friday until 5pm on Sunday.
Your ticket includes camping Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Nights.
General tickets holders can arrive to the grounds anytime after 12 noon on Thursday 28th of September 2023 and checkout is before 12 noon on Monday the 2nd of October 2023.
If you have booked a glamping tent, these will be available Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Please ensure you are checked out of the glamping tent by 9am on Monday.
When you arrive at the main entrance and we will scan your ticket, and then direct you to your area depending if you are camping with horses or not.
Once you are settled please then make your way to Headquarters to hand in your completed waiver forms and or horse health declarations (see Waiver/Declaration section). It is here that you will get your event wristband.
Those that don’t have a horse and want to camp in the camping with horses area this is more than fine, however those with a horse are not allowed in the camping without horses area as this is a horse free zone.
To make the checking in process go smooth, please have either a digital or hard copy of your ticket ready and your waiver forms completed.
Meals – Food will be available for purchase from Thursday evening to Sunday lunch, there are a couple of different food options. Please note there will be limited food vendors on Sunday night.
Bar – The bar will also be running all weekend and will be available for purchase from 5pm Thursday through to late Sunday evening, there are lots of different options!
Please note we are NO BYO Alcohol event.
If you are bringing any horses, you will need to bring everything you need for them.
There are no yards or stables at Kilkivan Showgrounds however there is water!
There is VERY VERY limited power at the gathering, if you need power then it’s best you bring either solar panels or a generator (there is a no noise policy which does kick in at midnight however).
If you are camping with horses, there is NO power on that side of the Showgrounds.
Every (yes every) ticket holder must complete Cowgirls Gathering waiver form, please Click Here for your copy.
This form should be completed ahead of time and must be handed in as you arrive to the gathering (at the front gate).
There are three sections to the waiver forms and even if you are NOT bringing a horse and are spectating you MUST complete Part A. These are the rules and is a strict requirement of the insurance folk!
What waiver sections do you need to complete?
- Not riding, not bringing a horse – Part (A) Only
- Riding and not bringing a horse – Part (A) and Part (B)
- Not riding but bringing a horse – Part (A) and Part (C)
- Riding and bringing a horse – Part (A), Part (B) and Part (C)
- Part (A) Risk Warning and Waiver of Liability
- Part (B) Confidential Riding Application & Medical History Form
- Part (C) Horse Health Declaration
The event is being held at the Kilkivan Showgrounds and the address is 88 Mudlo Rd, Kilkivan QLD 4600. Kilkivan is 50 km inland from Gympie.
To view the sitemap please see the program below.
All of the program can be viewed by Clicking Here.
For all draws and approx run times, please check the program for your times. Please ensure that you leave enough time to arrive on time between these.
For competitions they will start with checking in (gear check ect.) and a briefing with the judge. There will be no competition numbers, be sure to address the Judge with both your name and your horses name.
You will not be able to compete without having your wristband and competition number (given when you hand in your waiver at check in).
There will be no ATM machines at the gathering so please ensure that you bring cash with you if required.
All vendors have been asked to bring Point of Sale systems with them.
We are making this event cashless where possible.
There are 5 different camping zones at the gathering:
- Glamping *
- Camping *
- Camping with Horses
- Vendors *
- Educators
* These are all horse free camping zones. Please note there are to be no personal fires at any of the camping zones.
We will be bringing in facilities to make your weekend with the gathering as comfortable as possible.
These are all marked on the site map.
Every ticket holder will receive a wristband when they hand their forms into Headquarters.
Your wrist bands must be worn at all times and will be checked during the weekend.
Ion entry when they have their ticket scanned in and also hand their waiver forms. These must be worn for the whole weekend.
There will be first responders and first aid on site. If you require any medical attention at all please let an official know, they will be in high vis vests ✨
SORRY but no dogs are allowed entry into the gathering. If you do bring a dog with you, you will be asked to leave.
If you have a special circumstance, please contact us before you buy a ticket.
Firstly a massive thank-you! Without volunteers this would all not be possible! Please go over and check out your allocation and confirm if there are any slots that you are not able to do ✨
Every shift will start and end at the Headquarters, please arrive 15min ahead of your shift.
Here you will able to sign in and pick up your information charts, high vis vest (which must be worn at all times when you are volunteering).
This will also give you a chance to ask any questions you may have and also pick up your clipboard and any instructions for your shift.
All incidents no matter how small must be reported using the incident management form that will be in your volunteer pack (received from the command centre).
This can be anything from someone being sick (coughing for example) to someone tripping over or falling from a horse. A copy of what this looks like can be found here Click Here
Wrist Bands
The following are the wrist bandcolours that will be handed out once the waiver form has been completed and handed in at HeadQuarters.
Black – Staff / Educators / Sponsors / Volunteers
Blue – Weekend (Three Day) Tickets
Yellow – Friday Day Ticket
Orange – Saturday Day Ticket
Green – Vendor Tickets
Any Colour – Sunday Day Ticket
The main tasks for those that are at the front gate are:
- Welcome
- Checking in / scanning
- Directing to the next volunteer
- Checking out / Checking back in
- Ticket Sales (day and weekend spectator ticket types)
Welcome: Everyone that is entering into the event must have a ticket – if someone does not have at ticket they can be looked up in or purchase one at the gate. All ticket holders have been sent their ticket and details may also be found in their calendar (if they added them in using the link on the ticket). Think about the information or greeting you would like to receive and give that to everyone.
💛 The key messages are:
- Howdy, it’s so good to have you here with us,
- Hand out the site map and give directions to where they need to go,
- When settled go and see the Headquarters with your completed waiver forms to get your wristband.
Checking In/ scanning: There will be two Cowgirls Gathering mobile phones at the front gate that will allow for both searching of ticket holders if they don’t have their ticket but also this is the way that they can be checked in.
Directing to the next volunteer: There are FIVE different areas that the ticket holder may be directed to, these are:
- Glamping – The glampers have the least amount of road to travel, they are the first stop directly ahead. The volunteer at this station will check them off on the gamping list so there is no need to confirm if they have a glamping ticket, just that they have a ticket to the event. Glamping is a HORSE FREE ZONE so they will get their instructions on what to do with their horse when they get to the volunteer.
- Camping – The next area is camping, this area is for those that are camping in tents, caravans or motorhomes. These campers do not have horses and this is a HORSE FREE ZONE. Again there will be another volunteer waiting for them in this zoom to give more information.
- Camping with Horses – Campers with horses are to go to be directed here, there are some ticket holders that want to stay in this area without a horse as they want to camp with their mates, this is fine but there can be no horses in the camping zone above. Again there will be another volunteer waiting for them in this zoom to give more information.
- Vendors – We have asked vendors to arrive on Friday morning before 1pm but we expect that they will be coming in all day. Vendors will also have a ticket and will be checked in the same way. Again there will be another volunteer waiting for them in this zoom to give more information.
- Educators – We are expecting educators to arrive over Thursday and Friday. Educators also have a ticket and will be checked in the same way. There are THREE different directions the educators can be directed: a) With horses, refer to point 3 above and b) without horses, refer to 2 above and c) Glamping, refer to point 1 above.
Check out / checking back in: We are not going to check out people when they leave. If they come back in again they just need to show the Cowgirls Gathering wristband to gain entry.
Ticket Sales: There will be tickets for sale at the gate but we are not expecting these to be in great demand at this point. There will be a square machine set up ready for ticket sales. Please watch the following video on how to action a ticket sale. Please note there are NO glamping sites on offer at the gate, they all must be pre-purchased.
- Welcome to glamping Cowgirl style,
- Directing those to where cars needs to be parked,
- Directing those to where their horses need to be yarded,
- Information around where to find power, toilets, showers,
- Directing the cowgirl to their tent, all tents will be named as they have different configuration!
Welcome: Everyone that is entering into the glamping must already have pre-purchased their glamping tent, there are no glamping sites for sale at the event. If there are any issues please contact Amanda on 0477 727 272 and she will escalate.
💛 The key messages are:
- Howdy, it’s so good to have you here with us,
- Give details on how to access the online program,
- Any pre-purchased merchandise can be picked up from the command centre!
Glamping without horses: All glampers without horses can check in straight away and get comfortable. They can park their cars in the parking zone and get them selves set up for the weekend!
Glamping with horses: Those with horses have a couple of options, they can continue straight down to the Camping with Horses area, where their horses are to be kept. They can either leave their car and trailer there and walk back up with their personal belongings OR they can park and take out their personal belongs and put them in the tent first and then continue to have their horse set up.
Everyone that is using the Glamping tents are welcome to park their car near the tent sites but must leave any horse trailer back in the Camping with Horses area.
The glamping area is a NO HORSE ZONE and horses are not to be brought back up for saddling for example.
Information: The glampers have access to their own water closets and showers, please point this out to them but also show where the other facilites are.
There will be a generator powering this area that must be turned on (By Cowgirls Gathering staff) before the water closets and showers will work. The whole program for the weekend can be found by clicking Program on the website.
The main tasks for those that are at the camping station are:
- Welcome,
- Directing those to where they need to park,
- Information around where to find power, toilets, showers!
Welcome: Everyone that is entering into the camping must not have a horse, this is a horse free area. People can park where they like but please try and keep them orderly so we can fit in as many here as possible. If there are any issues contact Amanda on 0477 727 272 and she will double check the system / come and help with the escalation.
💛 The key messages are:
- Howdy, it’s so good to have you here with us,
- Give details on how to access the online program,
- Any pre-purchased merchandise can be picked up from the Headquarters,
- When settled go and see the Headquarters with your completed waiver forms to get your wristband.
Information: Campers in this area do not have their own their own water closets and showers, please point this out to them but also show where the other facilites are. There is some power in this area (refer to the site plan) but this is FIRST IN BEST DRESSED and have not been pre-booked. There is also a number of shared water point (refer to the site plan) that should also be pointed out. Please let the campers know where to put rubbish and that they are NOT allowed to have a fire in this area, that can only be done over in the entertainment space.
The main tasks for those that are at the camping with horses station are:
- Welcome,
- Directing those to where they need to park,
- Information around where to find power, toilets, showers!
Welcome: Everyone that is entering into the camping with horses can have a horse OR not. But this is horse area so they must be aware that horses will be around. People can park where they like but please try and keep them orderly so we can fit in as many here as possible. If there are any issues contact Amanda on 0477 727 272 and she will double check the system / come and help with the escalation.
💛 The key messages are:
- Howdy, it’s so good to have you here with us,
- Give details on how to access the online program,
- Any pre-purchased merchandise can be picked up from the Headquarters,
- When settled go and see the Headquarters with your completed waiver forms to get your wristband.
Information: Campers with horses will have access to water closets in the area but not showers, please point this out to them but also show where the other facilites are. There is NO power in this area and if campers are using generators, these must be turned off before Midnight. There is also a number of shared water point (refer to the site plan) that should also be pointed out. Please let the campers know where to put rubbish and manure and that they are NOT allowed to have a fire in this area, that can only be done over in the entertainment space.
ALL campers unless pre-organised with Amanda, will need to build their own yards. This can with be panels or hot tape (the front gate will be closed at night). For anyone camping with a stallion please refer to the FAQ information under the general tab above.
The main tasks for those that are at the vendor station are:
- Welcome,
- Directing those to where they need to park,
- Information around where to find power, toilets, showers!
Welcome: Everyone that is entering into the vendor space must not have a horse with them. If they do then they can drop off the vendor store and then continue to the camping with horses space. Vendors will be directed to park by Gen Frunz, so we can fit in as many here as possible. If there are any issues contact Amanda on 0477 727 272 and she will come and help.
💛 The key messages are:
- Howdy, it’s so good to have you here with us,
- Give details on how to access the online program,
- Any pre-purchased merchandise can be picked up from the Headquarters,
- When settled go and see the Headquarters with your completed waiver forms to get your wristband.
Information: Vendors do not have their own their own water closets or showers, please point this out to them where the closest facilites are. There is power in this area (refer to the site plan) and every site will have one power point. There is also a number of shared water points (refer to the site plan) that should also be pointed out. Please let the vendors know where to put rubbish and that they are NOT allowed to have a fire in this area, that can only be done over in the entertainment space.
The main tasks for those that are at the Education Camping Area are:
- Welcome,
- Directing those to where they need to park,
- Information around where to find power, toilets, showers!
Welcome: Everyone that is entering into the Education area, can have a horse OR not. This is horse area so they must be aware that horses (including Stallions) will be around. People can park where they like but please try and keep them orderly so we can fit in as many here as possible. If there are any issues contact Amanda on 0477 727 272.
💛 The key messages are:
- Howdy, it’s so good to have you here with us,
- Give details on how to access the online program,
- Any pre-purchased merchandise can be picked up from the Headquarters,
- When settled go and see the Headquarters with your completed waiver forms to get your wristband.
Information: This area does not have their own water closets or showers, please point out the closest facilities are which are at the Main Arena. There is some VERY LIMITED power in this area but this is FIRST IN BEST DRESSED and have not been pre-booked. There is also a number of shared water point that should also be pointed out. Please let the campers know that they need to talk all their own rubbish with them, and manure should be kept in piles at the front of camps for easy pick up post event. Fires are NOT allowed in this area, fires are only allowed over in the entertainment space.
ALL campers unless pre-organised with Amanda, will need to build their own yards. This can with be panels or hot tape (the front gate will be closed at night). For anyone camping with a Stallion please refer to the FAQ information under the general tab above.
The type of tasks for the main area will be as follows:
- Volunteer to stay at the area at all times
- Ensuring the area is is kept clean and tidy and free of hazards
- Setting up of the area to ensure that the session can start on time
- Helping the educator with the microphones and ensuring they are working
- Helping the educator with anything they need during their sessions
- Holding a list of participants and checking them off as they arrive
- Allowing only those on the list to arrive in the area (fence sitters welcomed)
- Ensure those that are in the clinic or class have what they need to get started
- Area cleared on time ready for the next session to start (time checks)
- Competitions ensure that everyone has a competitor number (command centre)
- Score sheets handed to the scores and ensure they are collected afterwards
- Management of the waiting area prior to class/competition commencement
- Ensuring that those on horseback are in the horse area
- Completing a safety / gear check of both the human and horses
The type of tasks for the Campdraft area will be as follows
- Volunteer to stay at the area at all times
- Ensuring the area is is kept clean and tidy and free of hazards
- Setting up of the area to ensure that the session can start on time
- Helping the educator with the microphones and ensuring they are working
- Helping the educator with anything they need during their sessions
- Holding a list of participants and checking them off as they arrive
- Allowing only those on the list to arrive in the area (fence sitters welcomed)
- Ensure those that are in the clinic or class have what they need to get started
- Area cleared on time ready for the next session to start (time checks)
- Competitions ensure that everyone has a competitor number (command centre)
- Score sheets handed to the scores and ensure they are collected afterwards
- Management of the waiting area prior to class/competition commencement
- Ensuring that those on horseback are in the horse area
- Completing a safety / gear check of both the human and horses
The type of tasks for the education tent will be as follows:
- Volunteer to stay at the area at all times
- Ensuring the area is is kept clean and tidy and free of hazards
- Setting up of the area to ensure that the session can start on time
- Helping the educator with the microphones and ensuring they are working
- Helping the educator with anything they need during their sessions
- Holding a list of participants and checking them off as they arrive
- Allowing only those on the list to arrive in the area (fence sitters welcomed)
- Ensure those that are in the class have what they need to get started
- Area cleared on time ready for the next session to start (time checks)
- Competitions ensure that everyone has a competitor number (Headquarters)
- Score sheets handed to the scores and ensure they are collected afterwards
- Management of the waiting area prior to class commencement
- Ensuring that those on horseback are in the horse area only
- Completing a safety / gear check of humans
Thanks again for joining us at the gathering, we really appreciate it 💛